Thursday, 3 March 2011

Uprising in Libya Continues

International Criminal Court (ICC) has warned Moammar Qaddafi and hi inner circle of war crimes. Meanwhile there is intense fighting continues in the oil rich town of Brega. Everyone is asking the same question, what will happen next ? According to my opinion there are remote chances of any direct conflict with Libya by USA and NATO as they are already much busy in Afghanistan and other areas as well as the meeting of Arab League is concern, then everyone know that it is an ineffective body. There are no significant issues in which Arab League has played distinctive role to solve them.
Second thing which is currently under consideration is that of implementation of no fly zone. Again it is not very easy job. According to some military analysts, the no fly zone implemented with the attack on country by dismantling its air defence capability. So it is also less likely to happen in couple of days but after that if situation continues and pressure mounts on other nations then i could be possibility that a no fly zone impose on Libya.

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